Tuesday 8th December
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners
  • Genesis 3: 9-15, 20
  • Psalm 98: 1-5
  • Ephesians 1:3-6,11-12
  • Luke 1: 26-38

God’s salvation plan is something that human beings will never be able to fathom to its full extent. There are revelations given by God to human beings in the history and His revelations will continue in the future too. The “word of God”, which is the Sacred Scripture and the “Sacred Tradition” are important ways through which God has revealed Himself and His salvation plan to the human beings.

God who created the world by his “Word and Spirit” involved us in His salvation plan. How do we know that? That is the first reading today. The failure of the first human beings to remain in God in love and obedience had to be amended. Therefore God spoke of a “woman” and “her offspring”. This is interesting; why would a woman and ‘her’ child need to be involved in God’s salvation plan?

Everything God created was pleasing to Him. But when ‘sin’ entered the human person’s heart and contaminated life, a huge gap was made between the creator and His creation. Pure love and God’s holiness of God which was in the hearts of human beings became impure. This was gap. We need to be mindful that humans were created in the image and likeness of God. Sin always tries to distort the image and grayscale the likeness of God in human beings. What was God’s option?

Regarding the Immaculate Conception, Roman Catholic dogma as¬serts that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was preserved free from the effects of the sin of Adam (usually referred to as “original sin”) from the first instant of her conception. The scripture says that we are chosen even before the world was created; this is the truth about the life of the Blessed Mother. We are also called to this love relationship with God and in it to accomplish His will. Just as the Lord Jesus did, and we are called through the Lord Jesus. Are we ready to accept this? Have we been transformed to live in this reality? Let us make this revelation the foundation of our lives.

Prayer: Abba Father, cause me to say “I’m your servant; let it be done according to your will in my life”. Amen.

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