Thursday December 15
Solid grounds
  • Isaiah 54:1-10
  • Psalm 30:2,4-6,11-13
  • Matthew 7:24-30

In our lives we take every effort to build our futures on firm footings; also to develop on those footings to higher places, better lifestyles, better living not only for ourselves but also for our future generations. Today Jesus is calling us to build ourselves on higher grounds not according to human understanding. We were called before the creation of this world to be holy and pure by the creator himself. How do we become pure and holy as the Father has called us. Jesus teaches us that the calling is to be rooted in the Word no matter what. He is the same today and tomorrow as he was yesterday. His Word does not change, his promises do not change. However we have to be on levelled grounds, rooted deeply in God. Deep in our hearts, deep in our being we might have lies, negativity rooted beyond our understanding. But God called the barren women to be joyful as his Word reaps in places where we thought were futile. He has called us to see him at the end of the journey, where we flourish in the Word with which he nourished us.

Prayer: Abba Father, thank you for the gift of life. Amen.

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