Saturday September 24
What is preventing us from grasping what Jesus says?
  • Ecclesiastes 11:9--12:8
  • Psalm 90:3-6,12-14,17
  • Luke 9:43-45

A week ago, a colleague passed away after a brief illness. He lived in a beautiful home with ample garden space and a lush green canopy. It even contained a pond. As I stood there condoling his wife, I realised that he owned it all but now he was gone, and it would pass on into new hands. The rude realisation was that we are temporary, and life will go on. Today’s readings remind us of that reality and advise us to enjoy our youth and look to our maker in gratitude because time will pass quickly but surely our fate awaits us. But it is not as sad as it seems for the Word tells us that our spirit will return to God who gave us life. If we spend our days in prayer, we will carry the right perspective. While the disciples were amazed at all our Lord said, they were caught up in that phase of popularity and power. Subsequently when Jesus spoke about his impending death, they became livid and unable to grasp what He said. May the wisdom and comfort of God fill us today to accept the reality of life and death

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