Sunday April 9
Jesus went about doing good
  • Acts 10:34,37-43
  • Psalm 118: 1-2,16-17,22-23
  • Colossians 3:1-4
  • John 20:1-9

Firstly, Happy Easter to all of you, who take the time to read these reflections. May the Risen Lord fill you with his love and peace.

The first reading from the Acts of the Apostles says that Peter opened his mouth and testified about the life of our Lord Jesus. In essence, the Lord went about doing good and God was with him.

In his earthly life, the Lord unleashed his heavenly power and authority on certain occasions like restoring life and calming a storm. He displayed his authority when he walked from town to town proclaiming the Word and finally he endured the pain of the cross and with much suffering gave up his spirit for the sins of the world.

The psalmist says, “This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice in it.” And so it is, the day when Easter dawns, because it is at this point that the life, power and impact of our Lord changes. How does it happen? The Risen Lord whom we celebrate is no longer limited to earthly restrictions and conditions.

When the Centurion begged our Lord Jesus to heal his servant, the Lord said: I will come to your home. The Centurion believed in Jesus’ supernatural power and authority and told him to just say the word and the servant would be healed. These are the words we repeat at every Holy Mass even today. Our Lord resorted to the supernatural and a mighty miracle was performed.

After his death and resurrection, the Lord is eager to answer the cries of our hearts. He is alive. We are no more orphans. We have the ability and grace to carry him individually in our hearts. Like St. Paul said, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” (Gal 2:20).

It makes it easier for the Lord to go about doing more good. Through us he is able to minister to millions of people thirsting for his presence across the world. We have an easier access to him and his power is being made more and more real in our lives.

We can experience him and meet him in our prayer time, at the Eucharist and on our journeys. We have the treasure of the Eucharist where we can encounter the real presence of Jesus. We too carry the presence of Jesus wherever we go, we need to be aware of this.

We can also meet the Risen Christ in our darkest moments…at the grave of emptiness and despair, where his disciples encountered him and assumed all was lost but behold he was there, making all things new and assuring them of his eternal presence and comfort.

Prayer: Abba Father, may the power of the resurrection of Jesus come alive in me and lift me higher. Amen.

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