Saturday July 2
Inner healing.
  • Amos 9:11-15
  • Psalm 85:9-14
  • Matthew 9:14-17

From the prophet Amos, the first reading is a prophecy about the restoration that God wants to do for the Israelites. The Lord promises a prosperous future for his people. As we look around us, it might feel like this is still a dream, because many are suffering, unable to earn enough to make ends meet. However, God’s promises always have a spiritual message too. If we hold onto Him, we will experience the fruits of the kingdom: love, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. In today’s Gospel proclamation, Jesus uses practical examples to explain the importance of real change of hearts. Most of us have deep inner wounds, some are dormant since childhood. The church offers excellent opportunities to deal with our past and to invite Jesus into our painful memories and thereby receive inner healing. The sacrament of reconciliation helps us to receive healing for our sins. We also need spiritual help to forgive those who hurt us. Let us be honest about our wounds, invite Jesus to cleanse us and empower us to forgive those who hurt us.

Prayer: Abba Father, help me to forgive others as you have forgiven me. Amen.

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