Saturday February 12
Give them all to Jesus.
  • 1 Kings 12:26-32; 13:33-34
  • Psalm 106:6-7,19-22
  • Mark 8:1-10

In today’s reading we see a ruler who was intent on preserving his power rather than holding on to God and heavenly values. King Jeroboam tried to replicate the rituals celebrated at the Temple in Jerusalem, by going against the directions given by God. How is this relevant to us? How often do we cling onto the Lord and obey his laws? Don’t we often fall into the sin of presumption? We presume that we know God’s mind, when in actual fact, we rationalize our own thoughts which may be clearly against God’s will. We may even spiritualize our ideas and argue as if we are above God’s Word. Let us be humble and repent for the times that we tried to take God’s place. Let us invite him to once again be our guide on this journey of life. As we see in today’s Gospel proclamation, the Lord wants us to do our part, no matter how it may seem. If we do not contribute, then the miracle may not take place. Let us lay our talents and resources at the feet of Jesus, and ask him to use them as he sees fit.

Prayer: Abba Father, you are my guide and strength. I surrender everything to
you. Amen.

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