Monday July 05
Called to a great adventure
  • Genesis 28:10-22
  • Psalm 91:1-4, 14-15
  • Matthew 9:18-26

When the Jews pray, they call upon the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Though Jacob was deceptive, God chose him to establish a peo- ple through him. God’s nature is different from our traditional views of him. Sin is no barrier for God’s unconditional love.

The Gospel shows the “otherness” of God. The Synagogue leader and the woman with the issue of blood came to Jesus in their desperation. The motives of both may be questionable. The Synagogue leader may have opposed Jesus and His teachings, but he had nowhere to turn. The woman had tried ev- erything else before coming to Jesus. The Lord came for us, sinners and outcasts, to reveal God’s unconditional love, and healing was a part of his ministry. We are called to “come as we are”. We have the Holy Spir- it as a counselor who will reveal Jesus to us. When we surrender and hold on to his promises, we can have an exciting adventure ahead of us.

Prayer: Abba Father, thank you for your Spirit, who will increase my faith in You and help me appreciate Your goodness to me. Amen.

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