Monday February 28
Attachments to earthly things.
  • 1 Peter 1:3-9
  • Psalm 110:1-2.5-6.9-10
  • Mark 10:17-27

In the first reading, St. Peter tells us that the resurrection of Jesus gives us hope of our heavenly future from our faith in Him. The psalmist speaks of God’s steadfastness in His covenant and promises the demonstration of His power. In the Gospel proclamation, Jesus’ answer to the rich man’s question is unpalatable to him and perplexing to the disciples who question who can be saved, because they are accustomed to earthly standards of recognition and understanding, which saw wealth as a sign of righteousness. Jesus emphasises that what people consider impossible, is possible with God. The instruction to give up our possessions extends to all earthly things to which we have formed strong attachments. These include obsessions, addictions to power, ambition and various forms of self-gratification which separate us from God’s love. Our possessions, family, friends, environment and life itself, are gifts from God, which we need to use for His glorification and be prepared to give up for the reward of eternal life.

Prayer: Abba Father, send your Holy Spirit into our hearts to enable us to give up our attachments to worldly possessions. Amen.

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