Monday 08th March
Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth!
  • 2 Kings 5: 1-15b
  • PS 42: 2-3, 43:3-4
  • Luke 4: 24-30

We generally have preconceptions or biases. These are formed by our background and our past experiences. Many times we are blind to these preconceptions and accept them as truths in our hearts. These preconceptions prevent us from seeing the truth of situations and left unchecked will even prevent us from seeing God’s hand in the situations of our lives. We see these preconceptions play out in the first reading and the gospel proclamation of today.

In the first reading, we see Prophet Elisha send a messenger to tell Naaman to wash seven times in the Jordan. Naaman being a General of the Syrian army expected to be treated with respect due to his position and he almost walks away in anger when this does not happen. But the beauty of Naaman’s heart is his willingness to change his mind at the request of his servants and obeys what the Prophet Elisha says. Because of this humbleness of heart, he receives his healing from God.

In the gospel proclamation, we see Nazareth’s people view the Lord Jesus as nothing more than the “son of Joseph”. Unable to accept the truth of whom the Lord Jesus is; they are filled with anger when the Lord Jesus exposes the truth of their hearts, and are ready to throw him off the cliff.
Let us examine the preconceptions we carry within our hearts. Are we able to accept God’s word even when it is spoken by someone whom we view as being less than us in some way? The world today throws many concepts at us that are against God’s word, and the teachings of the Catholic Church;- do we accept these concepts? Or do we accept God’s word as the ultimate truth? Are we able to accept the truth God reveals even when that truth hurts us and convicts us? Or do we excuse our behavior and brush off the uncomfortable truth? Do we even change the truth into something more digestible to us? Are we willing to humble ourselves before God’s truth and like Naa- man change our ways? Or are we going to be stubborn-hearted like the people of Nazareth and throw the Lord Jesus off the brow of the cliff rather than let his gentle words of rebuke convict and change our hearts?

Prayer: Abba Father, I humble myself before you, reveal your truth in my heart. Help me change my ways to your ways. Amen

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