Monday August 23
which is greater, the gold or the sanctuary that has made the gold sacred?
  • 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-5, 8-10
  • Psalm 149: 1-9
  • Matthew 23: 13-22

The temptation of setting ourselves as judges of others, locking people out of the kingdom of heaven is often there, even nowadays. How do I look at people in difficult situations – the divorced and remarried, former prisoners, sex offenders, drug addicts? I let our Lord Jesus challenge what he calls my hypocrisy, my ease to decide who is right and wrong, who deserves to see God and who does not.

Our Lord accuses the scribes and Pharisees of rationalizing their selfishness by appealing to a higher law, even the law of God himself. I let God lead me in my time of prayer, prepared to let go even of habits, rituals and externals – all so that I may better hear the voice of God. I pray for the community with which I worship; may we never confuse the beautiful things we have or do with their source, but may we grow together in humble service of God.

Prayer: Abba Father as I read these hard words with humility I ask for an open and transparent heart. Amen

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