Monday October 23
Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time
Put your trust in our unfailing God
  • Romans 4:20-25
  • Luke 1:69-75
  • Luke 12:13-21

Abraham’s unwavering faith in God despite all odds underpins today’s message of living in reliance on God, trusting his word and guiding hands so that we may not perish asset rich but spiritually poor. As a parent of a child with a life limiting situation, it was my mission to seek to have faith like Abraham so that my child will be healed. I grappled with the impossibility of holding on with conviction that I will have my desired miracle. Several years later I realise God has instilled in my spirit not unshakable conviction of a desired outcome, but an absolute trust in him that he can take us through whatever life throws at us. A trust in God “through whom all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities. He is before all things and in him all things hold together” (Col 1:15-17). In that trust follows fearlessness and peace in Jesus just as he promised. Chasing a materialistic life without God possibly is a life of death – death of peace of mind.

Prayer: Abba Father, bless me with the gift of faith so I may trust you. Amen.

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