Wednesday October 4
Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi
Commitment to Christ
  • Nehemiah 2:1-8
  • Psalm 137:1-6
  • Luke 9:57-62

As Jesus and his disciples were continuing their journey various people expressed their desire to follow him. However they were unable to give immediate responses like Matthew and the other apostles, who left everything and followed him. Jesus desires that his disciples be wholehearted in their commitment to him and his mission. Jesus desires to be first in our lives. We have family, children, friends and professions. However, our primary commitment has to be to Jesus. This call is a challenge for us, because, our families and responsibilities are important and rightly so. Jesus wants us to know that if our primary commitment is to him, everything else in our lives will be in proper perspective: our families, jobs and finances. When we strive to follow Jesus, it is easy to stray from the path. When we become aware that we have strayed from the path, we can correct our course. This is what Jesus asks of us. If we do so, our lives will be filled with graces. It is our choice.

Abba Father, each time we stray from your path help us correct our course and bring us back to your presence. Amen.

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