Saturday April 16
Hopeful patience

A day of waiting, full of uncertainty, doubts and fears. Imagine the disciples who left everything to follow Jesus. They had now lost their Master as well. They were fearful of being persecuted, despairing that they would not have a future. How about us on this Holy Saturday? Some of us may feel like life is at a standstill, a pandemic is still wreaking havoc across the world. Economic crises, climate change, it seems like in most places we only see bad news. However, let us not forget the event we will be celebrating tonight. Death was essential for the resurrection to take place. Whatever we are going through today, will help us to face a better tomorrow. It is never too late with the Lord. Along with creation, as we prepare to celebrate Easter, let us also examine our hearts, make an honest examination of conscience. Let us surrender our doubts and fears at the feet of the Crucified Lord, so that on Easter Sunday we may also rise with him, empowered, strengthened and blessed to become a blessing to others.

Prayer: Abba Father, your Son Jesus descended to the realm of the dead, and rose from there to glory. We recall that we were buried with him in baptism. May we obtain eternal life through the power of his resurrection. Amen.

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