Friday 15th January
The promise of entering his rest still stands!
  • Heb 4: 1-5, 11
  • Ps 78: 3-8
  • Mark 2: 1-12

As Christians are we concerned only about ourselves or do we consider others’ needs? Maybe as Christians, we could be concerned only with our own needs and our relationship with the Lord Jesus while neglecting others.

In the Gospel proclamation, the large crowd in the house was a hindrance for the paralytic to reach our Lord Jesus. At times we are so occupied with our own agendas that we fail to empathise with our brother or sister in need. God’s house is, is a shelter full of love, healing, and wholeness. It is meant for the bruised and the broken to be reached out to not with our own efforts. It happens with the simple openness of ourselves and others to the presence of our Lord Jesus working us through.

The daily daunting challenges can hide from our view the powerful presence of God. Rest assured; the Lord invites us to be open to his presence. In the first reading, St. Paul reminds God’s people of the call to rest just as the Lord rested on the seventh day after creation. For us of the new covenant, sabbath rest is more than just attending Holy Mass on Sunday but being at rest, enjoying intimacy with God in His house. The reality of our Lord’s presence assures us of the rest that no challenge in life can take away. It is a foretaste of the eternal joy destined for us by the grace of God.

The psalmist exclaims, “how great are the works of the Lord!” To make that exclamation ours today we need to help our generation to encounter God and to be open to His presence. That way we will proclaim for ourselves “how great are the works of the Lord!” confirming the truth that God is alive and present, here, and now.

Prayer: Abba Father, today brings another beautiful day of opportunity. I believe I am exactly where I am meant to be. Help me right now to be open to your most holy and amazing presence. I trust you with the beautiful mystery you are unfolding. Amen.

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