Sunday December 26
Family…fashioned by God in his love!
  • Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14
  • Psalm 128:1-5
  • Colossians 3:12-21
  • Luke 2:41-52

In most sci-fi movies, the opponents have laser guns with shafts of light that attack each other and cause specific damage. We too are engaged in a Spiritual battle from the time we enter the world. Many years ago it was predicted that the enemy had one specific target in mind and that has been well revealed: the family unit. God who is one in three, the Father, Son and Spirit have lived in harmony from the creation of the world and that love was meant to be reflected in the nuclear family. Two people pledging to come together in love and from that love, children emerging to be nurtured by the parents. As the future unfolds, the children who were loved and cared for are given the opportunity to give back the love they received from their parents while themselves branching out and beginning their own families. So the family is the God ordained circle of life.

This unit of love and cradle of values has been under lethal attack from the enemy who is all out to destroy the very concept of family life. Through various political movements it has become difficult to maintain a balanced upbringing which makes a child into a holistically formed human being.

Today we celebrate the Holy Family; St, Joseph, the Blessed Mother and the child Jesus. This family came from humble circumstances and was firmly grounded. It was an atmosphere of love, learning and understanding. Our Lord Jesus was with this extended family as he travelled to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. He was with his cousins and must have been having a time of his life and they all walked together rejoicing and enjoying. It was on their return that our Lord went missing from the group and the search for the child Jesus began. Here the parents love emerged as they were desperate to find our Lord and returned even after having completed a day’s journey from Jerusalem.

We are called to have such love, forgiveness and bonds in our families. 1 John 3:1 says, “See what love the Father has for us that we are called children of God and we really are.” We try many things to keep our family together and one such thing is prayer. A family that prays together stays together. Saying the rosary meaningfully and spending time together in prayer can unite, bond and heal a family from the flaming darts of the enemy. Let us seek the intercession of the Blessed Mother to keep our families together, protected and safe.

Prayer: Abba Father, we have been adopted into your family and loved by you. May the Holy Spirit overshadow us and unite us in love. Amen.

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