Saturday September 9
Memorial of Saint Peter Claver, Priest
Are we more pious than we are loving?
  • Colossians 1:21-23
  • Psalm 54:3-4,6,8
  • Luke 6:1-5

A young woman moved into a new parish and attended daily Mass. She of-ten rushed into church after Mass had started and left before Mass ended. A group of parishioners went to the parish priest and complained. After waiting patiently for them to finish, the priest calmly explained that the young woman had come to him early on to ask for forgiveness and explained her situation. She was taking care of three little children as well as her bed ridden aunt, while her husband had gone away for work.

She would wake up at 4am, cook breakfast for her family, prepare the children for school, rush off to church and rush back before the school bus picked them up. Are we more pious than we are loving? The Pharisees were more concerned about their observance of the Sabbath law but the Lord of the Sabbath, Jesus Christ, was more concerned about the hunger of his disciples. Are we moved by what moved the heart of God? When a choice has to be made between the rule of the law and the law of love, the law of love prevails.

Prayer: Abba Father, may I love others instead of judging them. Amen.

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