Thursday September 30
Joy in faith
  • Nehemiah 8: 1-12
  • Psalm 19: 8-11
  • Luke 10: 1-12

In the first reading, the people are at first sorrowful at hearing the commandments, but, with understanding, comes celebration. The psalm teaches us that following the commandments brings a deep joy. In the gospel proclamation, we are told that there is a great task of evangelization to be carried out and, like the seventy-two sent out by Our Lord Jesus Christ,  we are required to trust in Divine providence for our basic needs. With modern technology, the message is being spread far and wide, however, example is a much more powerful teacher than words. Our leaders exemplify this trust in Divine providence in their commitment to Ministry, at the expense of careers and family, with dependence on Diving providence, through the community, for their basic needs. We lay people, as well, are called to the task of evangelization, largely by example, within our families, at work, among friends and even in casual interactions with strangers, by demonstrating our love of neighbor, in the way we behave towards them.

Prayer: Abba Father, send your Holy Spirit into our hearts to strengthen our trust in you. Amen

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