Thursday 31st December
The Son of God became man so that we might become God
  • 1 John 2: 18-21
  • Psalm 96: 1-2, 11-13
  • John 1: 1-18

Looking at the year gone by we see that the global Covid 19 crippled almost everything!! What we perceived to be true and normal, financial and economic structures and systems, science and technology collapsed. We assumed these were our shield and way towards the future. Even our very breath/life itself was challenged. What I re¬alised is the extent to which we rely on the world instead of God. We never truly experience the truth – that Jesus who is God, became man, suffered and died for our sins and through His res¬urrection poured out the Holy Spirit upon us so that we could become children of God. It is time we realise that it is in Him that there is life!

The Catholic Church in its Catechism says “The word became flesh to make us “partakers of the divine nature, For this is why the word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man…The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in His divinity, assumed our nature, so that He, made man, might make men gods.” During my early years, I resented my father. I attributed this to his addiction to drinking and smoking. While his addiction reduced with time my resentment remained the same or worse. He had become a better person but I had not! It is only in prayer that I realised that I was wounded within.

During a retreat at the Divine Retreat centre, in Kerala – my mother called home to speak to my father and said “I forgive you for every¬thing, please forgive me for all the years of bitterness that I have carried” They both cried and professed their love for each other. Later in the room she explained to me how she was forced to marry my father. This is why she found it difficult to love him the way she should. I immediately realised my inner wound. My mother and father at that moment became like God to me. Even the deepest darkest situation or feeling when touched by the Holy Spirit transforms and transcends us to be partakers of God’s divine nature. As we begin the New Year let us commit to spending more time in prayer and fellowship with God – It is the only way to truly experience the truth that sets us free.

Prayer: Abba Father, grant us the grace of prayer that we may truly experience being your children. Amen

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