Wednesday August 23
Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time
Rewards of Eternal Life
  • Judges 9:6- 15
  • Psalm 21:2-7
  • Matthew 20:1-16

The Lord has been calling people and nations to work in building his kingdom. He being the King, empowers us in doing so. All those who respond to that call inherit the benefits of the kingdom and eternal life. It is not because we are in anyway better than others, but because we are more in need of his grace, due to having nothing or considered of no significance in the eyes of the world. It is said the Kingdom of God is built mostly from within prison cells and hospital beds. This has been my experience when ministering to those suffering after the Easter Attacks.

Through their pain and struggles, reconciliation of family feuds were taking place. Empowerment in having the strength to forgive the perpetrators of that crime, and praying for their salvation. Some claimed the church and families got a new impetus to life and growth. Others say the Good News of eternal life manifest and those dear departed are now saints interceding for those left behind. They want to share their testimonies of the victory of the cross of Christ.

Prayer: Abba Father, we thank you that through our pain we could discover you and eternal life. Amen.

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