Monday February 20
Divine wisdom
  • Sirach 1:1-10
  • Psalm 93:1-2,5
  • Mark 9:14-29

Wisdom is fundamentally different to knowledge. Knowledge is of the mind, while wisdom is of the Spirit. While knowledge is fuelled by fact, wisdom is fuelled by faith. Wisdom is God-breathed, God-inspired and feeds heaven’s perspective into our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and responses. The good news in today’s First Reading is that God has poured out and lavished this gift of wisdom upon every living thing. We have already been clothed in this gift and learning how to access it and activate it is key to following in the footsteps of Jesus. In today’s Gospel proclamation, Jesus operated in wisdom and knew that faith renders all things possible. Through wisdom, Jesus knew that the demon inside the boy was under the authority of the one true King. Through wisdom, Jesus knew to pray a prayer of commandment. And through wisdom, Jesus used the situation to not only deliver a life but awaken the disciples’ spirits to recognise the power of faith in action. So, like the disciples, let us also be eager to operate in this wisdom.

Prayer: Abba Father, unlock my mind, heart and spirit and make me a storehouse of your wisdom. Amen.

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