Monday April 12
You must be born from above
  • Acts 4: 23-31
  • Ps 2: 1-4,7-9
  • John 3: 1-8

The Acts of the Apostles is the Acts of the Holy Spirit. The apostles hid in the upper room for fear of the authorities after the death of our Lord Jesus. By receiving the Holy Spirit these men became fearless and spoke boldly. Filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom, they began to understand that every word of God would certainly bear fruit on earth.

Hence, even in the midst of chaos, they saw God’s presence in their acts. We need to live our lives in this awareness as people who recognise the hand of God in our lives, society and the world. Every word God spoke will surely be fulfilled. The Apostles prayed to make them strong to witness boldly rather than rebuking the trials and tribulations. This should be our prayer too. When we see situations in our lives, society and the world we should be courageous to witness boldly. We need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and be surrendered to God. In the Gospel proclamation the Lord Jesus spoke of being born again. This Born Again concept has become a controversial topic in Christian circles. Could it be that we have lost the true meaning of ‘being born again’? What was meant by the Lord Jesus when He spoke to Nicodemus? Is it difficult for us to understand what ‘born again’ is? The Lord Jesus said what is born of flesh is flesh and what is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Therefore, while we are still in our body our ‘born again’ experience is the awakening of our spirit to the Holy Spirit; what is born of spirit is spirit. When our inner spirit is open to the Holy Spirit we understand and recognize God in every aspect of our lives. Born again does not mean to move from one church to the other.

The born-again experience brings clarity to us and we become full of wisdom, understanding and knowledge. God’s presence becomes tangible and the Scripture becomes clear to us.

In the first proclamation the Apostles knew that the word of God had been fulfilled in and through the passion, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus. They continued the mission in unity guided by the Holy Spirit. When we are born again, we become united and dislike divisions. The wind blows where He wills in surrendered hearts.

Prayer: Abba Father, let me be born again every morning, be renewed and filled with your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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