Thursday September 14
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Gaze on the Cross
  • Numbers 21:4-9
  • Psalm 78:1-2,34-38
  • John 3:13-17

The Feast of the exaltation of the Holy Cross is an invitation for us to look to and gaze at our Lord Jesus on the Cross. Often, we look at the person who causes us pain or we gaze at the problem or challenge we are facing. They become our idol and dictate our mood swings. But the Word tells us; as our Lord was trying to explain to Nicodemus, that we are called to look at the Exalted One. On that Cross, he carried the burden of our sins and pain. He shouldered our weakness. In the Old Testament, to be cured of the snake bite, the people were invited to look upon the bronze serpent, the curse itself. In the New Testament, our Lord became the curse that we might be redeemed and be set free. The power of the cross is beyond our understanding and comprehension. It is a symbol of real love for us and a personal expression of Jesus’ love for each of us. Say to yourself, “My Jesus, died for me, my Jesus gave his life for me. My Jesus suffered that I might live and experience salvation and eternal life.”

Prayer: Abba Father, thank you for the gift of your Son Jesus and the cross upon which he hung that we might be set free. Amen.

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