Sunday June 4
Grace in action
  • Exodus 34:4-6,8-9
  • Daniel 3:52-56
  • 2 Corinthians 13:11-13
  • John 3:16-18

Grace is a common string that ties today’s readings together. Moses cries out to God to pardon the peoples’ wickedness and sins, and receive them as his own. St. Paul writes to the Corinthians to receive the Spirit of grace and peace into their relationships. St. John writes that “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him”. Evidently, grace is the nature of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and so it should be our own.

We look to the Father and we see grace in action. For he sent his only Son to pay the price of our sins. His act of laying down caused us to be raised up. We look to Jesus, and we see grace in action. For he bled and died so that we would be covered today, tomorrow and forever by the clothing of salvation. We look to the Holy Spirit, and we find the power to do the same – to be grace in action in this world.
Today on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, we are invited to reflect on this perfect union of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We remember that sin has no hold on us, as grace holds us now. We remember that just as grace opened a door for us, we are commissioned to lead others to that same door.

But what does this mean practically? We all sign up for the grace- led life, until we realise that it means saying no to offence and yes to peace, saying no to pride and yes to servanthood, and saying no to ego and yes to humility.

If grace is God’s favour upon the unworthy, then as grace led people we are called to love not only those we deem worthy in our eyes, but even those we judge as unworthy. Are we prepared to bow before “stiff- necked” people? Are we ready to part with our right to be understood and accepted? Can we truly share in the nature of the God of grace?
I read once that to look at Jesus is life, but to do as Jesus did, is abundant life. We may choose between adequacy and abundance, and between being filled and overflowing. There is enough of his grace for not just us, but for everyone. Do we remain reservoirs with closed gates, or do we open up the floodgates of our lives and pour out as Jesus did?
Held by the Father, in the presence of Jesus and through the pow- er of the Holy Spirit, let grace mark our lives. Let us allow the Lord to train us in the art of operating under his undeserved favour. Grace is our inheritance, so we must be changed by it, and then move in it.

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