Sunday June 26
Being led by the Spirit
  • 1 Kings 19:16, 19-21
  • Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7-11
  • Galatians 5:1, 13-18
  • Luke 9:51-62

In today’s first reading Elijah throws his cloak over Elisha as a sign of Elisha’s call. Elisha responds by destroying his plow, yolk and oxen thus severing his connection with his old life and dedicating himself entirely to the service of God. He had made up his mind resolutely and went ahead with that decision.

The Gospel proclamation also tells us that our Lord Jesus made up his mind to go to Jerusalem. Along the way to Jerusalem, our Lord had a few discouraging experiences of people not willing to go by His plan or accept His invitation but our Lord Jesus continued his journey to be tried, crucified and killed.

We may be called to dedicating our life to the Lord in various degrees of calling. Some of us are called to sever ties completely with the world and move forward and others to a lesser degree. When we are insecure about God’s ability to provide for us, the true extent of severing of ties may not take place. As Jesus journeyed to Jerusalem he faced the prospect of death and rejection. There was even no place for him to lay his head. Just because he chose to sacrifice His life, it did not mean that people around had to respond positively to His decision. Often we assume that the world has to bow to us when we become preachers, religious or ministry stars. We expect people to respect us, give us a discount or preference or repay us for our service. But we should not expect such responses. When we are unrecognised or sidelined it dampens our ego to such an extent that we become bitter and revengeful.

That is where Galatians chide us to walk according to the Spirit and not give in to the desires of the flesh. Even after choosing our Lord as our King and Saviour there may be occasions where we have not severed ties from our past and we may be responding in the ways of the world. Only a quiet time with the Lord will reveal to us our weaknesses and failures. Often we struggle with links to relationships that may be good but not up building. Or when the rough tide of life has settled and life becomes a little easy we begin to let down our guard and try to snatch back our version of freedom, from God. That freedom is ‘giving free rein’ to the desires of the flesh. Let us be reminded of what the letter to the Galatians tells us. It says that the desires of the flesh WAR against the desires of the spirit. Though the attractions may come in beautiful shades they may hide sinister repercussions that can lead us to a war in the spiritual realms and a conflict. Let our Saviour counsel us, give us rest and lead us in our journey.

Prayer: Abba Father, I pray for the grace to make a full commitment of my life to our Lord Jesus and not make partial promises. Amen.

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