Friday February 25
Relationship with God the Father.
  • James 5:9-12
  • Psalm 102:1-4.8-9.11-12
  • Mark 10:1-12

“God is Love” we have heard it many times, it almost sounds cliché. Yet, it is the underlying truth in all of creation. The amazing aspect is that we humans have been called to be partakers to play an active part in the procreation of this Love. It is never more so seen as in the Sacrament of Marriage, it is not merely an act of two human beings coming together to say “till death do us part” but a union of two bodies becoming one, to form the most visible impression of God on earth. Hence, the sanctity of marriage. Children first form an impression of God through their parents’ lives. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, it is of utmost importance that our primary relationship is with God our Father because that is how it was meant to be from the beginning. As mature Christians let us become aware that there is a sinful nature that hardens our heart to work contrary to this union with God. But we also have a great counsellor; the Holy Spirit who is constantly at work in us to make this union possible and aid us in overcoming our sinful nature.

Prayer: Abba Father, let my hardened heart be open to your love and compassion. Amen.

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