Sunday October 8
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
The God of peace is with us
  • Isaiah 5:1-7
  • Psalm 80: 9,12-16,19-20
  • Philippians 4:6-9
  • Matthew 21:33-43

Today’s readings speak about bearing good fruit. It is easy for us to take pride in the fact that we are the ones who have been called to be God’s people when his own people rejected his Son and killed him.
Let us do some soul-searching if we are actually producing the good fruit that God expects from us. Are we being fruitful? We who have received the Holy Spirit at Baptism and Confirmation, are expected to bear his fruits, namely peace, love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. Do we make a difference in the world we live in, by our inner responses?
St Paul elaborates on the joy we ought to have, as Christians. Being joyful in good times is no big deal. Yet, rejoicing, specially in difficult times, refusing to be anxious is not possible, unless the source of all joy lives in us, namely the Lord Jesus.
When we choose to trust in his goodness and faithfulness at all times, joy and gratitude fill our hearts. This is the secret of the peace that transcends all understanding, that guards our hearts and minds against all offence and bitterness.
Recently I was blessed to witness this behaviour in a young mother who had to go through a bitter divorce, but chose to turn that crisis into a blessing as she started to allow the Lord to love her and renew her mind with his truths as against the lies presented by her own wounded heart and also the well-meaning friends and family around her.
Her transformation has blessed her children who were badly traumatised by the separation of their parents, and the transcendent peace she carries in and around her is drawing the children to walk with the Lord too. The Holy Spirit is teaching her the art of inner response as op-
posed to reaction, and others including her estranged husband are puzzled as to how she seems to be so joyful and peaceful. This young woman needs no cross around her neck or a rosary in her hand to show that she is a Christian. Her life speaks loud and clear, that she belongs to the Giver of true peace and joy.
Today’s Gospel proclamation states that “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes?”.
Therefore let us not grow fainthearted when we face rejection, in- stead hold onto the Giver of life. His perfect plan will unravel and will surely not harm us.

Prayer: Abba Father, may we produce good fruit and bear witness to your love and compassion. Amen.

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