Wednesday August 9
Childlike faith
  • Numbers 13:1-2,25-- 14:1,26-29,34-35
  • Psalm 106:6-7,13-14,21-23
  • Matthew 15:21-28

Jesus talks about humility, being childlike, and God’s love towards the wounded and lost. The first reading speaks about humility and obedience of the servant of God. In the Gospel proclamation the disciples were questioning about the greatest in God’s kingdom. Our seniority, superiority or position does not matter. It is about having childlike faith. Children are characterized by their innocence, trust, and dependency. At the same time Jesus talks about those who are lost. It indicates his concern towards them. His heart is beating for the sake of his chosen sheep. He is concerned about quality not quantity. The word says: “See that you do not despise one of these little ones.” Jesus is ready to rejoice over our repentance without keeping an account of our past. The heartbeat of the Father is always towards the lost and wounded. We are invited to enter through the gate. He knows us by our name. Our connection with Jesus is important. Let us be connected with Jesus through childlike faith.

Prayer: Abba Father, help me to be humble and reciprocate your love. Amen.

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