Saturday May 21
Choose the narrow path
  • Acts 16:1-10
  • Psalm 100:1-3,5
  • John 15:18-21

At every stage of growing up we encounter choices, crossroads and decisions. Those choices are based on choosing the popular, wide road or the unpopular, narrow road. In this generation of “instant” food and messages the wide and popular path is what is often chosen. This wide path is what those who are “of the world” often choose to do. In order to “fit in”, “do what makes you feel good” to conform to such standards of the world, we compromise Jesus’ standards. So Jesus says when we choose to align our lives according to his word, when we choose to make the hard choices that make us unpopular with the majority – then the world will hate us just like it hated him! Because we become a reflection to them, like a mirror, how truly unbecoming it is to be “worldly”. Not everyone likes to be convicted, not everyone is comfortable when their “worldliness” is highlighted. But there is still hope that there is sensitivity in that area and humanity is not totally desensitized to the fact that choices have consequences.

Prayer: Abba Father, may I choose the narrow path and become a true disciple. Amen.

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