Friday October 14
Cherished and loved by God
  • Ephesians 1:11-14
  • Psalm 33:1-2,4-5,12-13
  • Luke 12:1-7

Today’s Gospel proclamation talks about the fear of God. When Jesus speaks to his apostles he asks them to be aware of the Pharisees’ yeast, which is hypocrisy. Many people live as white washed tombs, showing the world how religious and good they are but in fact they lead a hypocritical life behind closed doors. Many a times we fall prey to such people and eventually realize their deceit. The only person we need to follow is Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Jesus talks about how valuable we are to God. More often than not we think that we are a mistake. Let us not feel depressed, lonely and rejected, because he loves us. The Lord says that every hair on our head is counted. God knows everything about us. As it says in Psalm 139 there is no place we can go to hide from God. He is all sovereign and he has carved our names on the palm of his hands. He created us with love and he will take care of us no matter what. All we need to do is to trust in him. Are we ready to trust him completely?

Prayer: Abba Father, help me to trust in you. Amen.

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