Tuesday October 3
Twenty-sixth Week in Ordinary Time
Be open to the fountain of blessings
  • Zechariah 8:20-23
  • Psalm 87:1-7
  • Luke 9:51-56

God’s heart is yearning to lead humanity to experience his unconditional love and throughout history we see how even powerful nations felt insecure when the presence of God was not among them. The first reading says: “nations will come seeking to worship God” and what is remarkable is that nations which are enemies with each other will also come to the city of God to experience the glorious blessings that are promised.

Reconciling with one another, accepting each other as they are, repenting for their selfish nature and surrendering their lives will be the gate for mighty blessings that were promised to flow like a fountain of fresh water.

In today’s Gospel proclamation, Jesus taught his disciples to respond in love, when the Samaritans did not accept him into their city. Our human nature would prompt us to use power and authority like James and John but Jesus showed another way: the way to win people to the kingdom of God. Our attitudes would attract others to possess the spiritual gifts which God’s children possess.


Prayer: Abba Father, teach me your ways. Teach me to live according to your truth, for you are my God who saves me. Amen.

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