Wednesday 18th November
Let us be givers not grabbers!
  • Rev 4 : 1 - 11
  • Psalms 150 : 1 - 6
  • Luke 19 : 11 - 28

The Book of Revelation presents a God-centered vision of the world. He reigns as king from his throne and nothing takes place outside of his governance. The Apostle John is given an invitation to witness the eternal worship of ‘the Father’.

The Book of Revelation starts by addressing the letters to various churches highlighting one of the major problems as emperor worship – which is a focus on the wrong throne. Worship is not just coming together and doing whatever we want but it is about recalibrating our lives in line with God’s will.

St. John mentions the word ‘throne’ 45 times in the Book of Revelation. In every liturgy we have an opportunity to witness this worship as he did when there is a reference to “Lift up your hearts” and when we respond to the invitation by saying “We lift them up to the Lord”. We join in worship along with the 24 elders and heavenly hosts. Worship is not an individual affair but a community event.

The Gospel proclamation highlights that Life is about giving. The talents given to the three servants are not so much monetary gifts or personal capacities; they are a share in the mercy of God, a participation in the divine love. But since mercy is always directed to the other, these “talents” are designed to be shared. In fact, they will increase in the measure that they are given away

The last servant did not use what he was given. Instead, he clung onto it. The other servants faithfully gave what that they had and they gained even more.

The Lord Jesus invites us to live and use our gifts for others –our time, friendship, money, talents and intelligence.

We are here, not to amass and accumulate, but to share what we have to build others up and help them also to invest their gifts for others. What will we gain when we give? We gain a sense of deep fulfilling joy, a joy that the world cannot give us.

Prayer: Abba Father, may I use my talents for proclaiming and establishing your kingdom on earth as it in Heaven. Amen.


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