Wednesday August 04
Challenge God with your faith
  • Numbers 13: 1,2, 25-14:1, 26-35
  • Psalm 33:2-3,10-11,18-19
  • Matthew 10:1-7

Today we witness extremes of faithlessness in God’s power versus faith in the Lord‘s ability to deliver. Among the Israelis, the congregation was quick to lose its faith and even wail the whole night when they heard of the ac- count of the giants that inhabited the promised land. The bible says this so angered God that he swore that they would suffer 40 years, one year for each day of unbelief.

It breaks God’s heart when we respond with unbelief to the good He has done. Instead of recounting all His works we lose faith and collapse before the next challenge. The Canaanite woman on the other hand was persistent with her plea to have our Lord Jesus deliver her possessed daughter. Our Lord was so convinced that He had come to save the lost house of Israel but her faith and bold answer were enough for him to do a powerful miracle where He simply responded and the girl who was physically far away was delivered. Let us come to the Lord with such faith.

Prayer: Abba Father, I believe that you can do all things. Amen.

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