Monday November 13
Seek him in integrity of heart
  • Wisdom 1:1-7
  • Psalm 139:1-10
  • Luke 17:1-6

What does it mean to have integrity of heart? It is about being honest and having good moral principles. In the book of Wisdom, the author calls us to seek God with integrity of heart. Does our prayer life reflect this? Are we focused on God that other things take second place? In scripture we find prophets such as Jeremiah calling us to seek God with all our heart for it is only then that we will find him (Jer 29:12). Jesus himself calls us to seek him and the kingdom of God above everything else (Mt 6:33). The reality however is far from this. Our seeking stems from gratifying our own needs: our healing, our ease of a struggle and the list goes on. None of these prayers is bad but God wants us to love him that these fade in comparison to the joy of seeking him and finding him. He desires for us to thirst for him, thirst for the knowledge of him, to understand his ways, to understand his works, to understand his heart. God is waiting for us to be genuine in our pursuit of him and sincere in our desire to know him.

Prayer: Abba Father, enable us to realise that the joy of getting to know Christ far outweighs the temporary joys of the world. Amen.

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