Friday January 20
Let us hold on to our faith
  • Hebrews 8:6-13
  • Psalm 85:8,10-14
  • Mark 3:13-19

Today’s Gospel proclamation talks about how Jesus chose the twelve apostles. Jesus did not choose extraordinary people to be his disciples instead he chose twelve ordinary men with their own weaknesses and failures. None of them were perfect when Jesus chose them. They were tax collectors, fishermen and rebels. But in the Lord’s hands even ordinary becomes extraordinary. These twelve disciples journeyed with our Lord and were transformed along the journey. Each of them faced their own trials after the death of Jesus when they could not see him any longer. But the love of our Lord and their faith enabled them to hold on even when they could not hold on any longer. After the day of Pentecost these ordinary disciples became God’s messengers who took the good news to the ends of the earth. If they did not hold on to their faith and the love of Christ, none of us would be Christians. So are we ready to hold on to our faith even when it seems like we cannot hold on any longer?

Prayer: Abba Father, give me the grace and faith to hold on to you even when I cannot hold on. Amen.

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