Thursday October 26
Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time
In his hands we lay ours in hope for greater faith
  • Romans 6:19-23
  • Psalm 1:1-4,6
  • Luke 12:49-53

Today’s Gospel proclamation speaks of faith. In the first reading the apostle Paul speaks of hope. Faith and hope go hand in hand, bearing a great significance in the faith journey of a follower of Christ. According to Isaiah 41:10, the Lord holds us by his righteous right hand. Faith and hope are an intertwinement of the hand of God and our sinful, wretched, feeble hand. The only way that we can be strong to not pull away from the firm hand of God is to be grounded in faith, through which we will receive the necessary hope to hold on to his hand until his promises are fulfilled. The mustard seed is probably the tiniest seed and yet it grows even up to 30 feet, giving shelter to many creatures. Faith is a gift from God and we are called to nurture and grow this faith to such a giant proportion not just for our benefit but also to radiate hope for others through our faith. We are to primarily use this faith received by grace to walk in holiness and help others walk in holiness too so that one day we will all enjoy eternity.

Prayer: Abba Father, strengthen my faith to the extent that I will be filled with hope and joy to carry out your will. Amen.

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