Sunday January 8
Rise up! Your light has come
  • Isaiah 60:1-6
  • Psalm 72:1-2,7-8,10-13
  • Ephesians 3:2-3,5-6
  • Matthew 2:1-12

The Prophet Isaiah makes a number of references to ‘light’ in today’s first reading and the theme of light beautifully echoes in the Gospel proclamation. It says that the Magi were overjoyed at seeing the star and they followed it in the hope of paying homage to the newborn king. The joy that was stirred by the light of the star took the Magi out of familiar places towards unknown territories where they had no idea of what they would encounter.

What amazes me is the fact that the uncertainty of the journey had little effect on the Magi; they simply endured through nights and days, until they reached their final destination. This act alone prompts us to look deep into our heart. Without a doubt, as we celebrated the birth of Jesus a few days ago, our hearts must have been filled with joy. The question is, where did that joy take us? Did we simply share the joy among our loved ones, trapped in our own comfort zones or did we dare to go out to share this joy with someone less fortunate than us?

Pope Francis reminds us to go out to those forgotten by society, the lowly places, like the manger our Lord was born in. Our Lord himself lived this by example; he was always there in the most unlikely neighbourhoods, with people who were considered unworthy, lowly and sinful. What about us, his dear children?

It is all too common in this time and age to get busy with our own affairs which in turn blurs our vision to the outer world. If we but choose to look beyond our own secure perimeters, we will begin to witness the light of Christ beckoning us to venture out into the unknown. As with Magi, the result would be worth the pursuit.

The solemnity of the Epiphany is God’s manifestation to us; God’s own way of unravelling the mysteries of his kingdom so that we know him as he is. Remember the many times that God’s manifestation was real in our lives; the many divine encounters we had through the events and relationships of our lives. The many miracles and healings we have experienced and witnessed through the years. It is time to go out and proclaim all the good that God has done in our lives and be a light in a world full of darkness.

Let us follow the shining star and go to worship the Lord Jesus, acknowledging him as our Lord and God. As we do that, let us also lead others to Christ, let us invite others to join us on this journey of faith and love. O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.

Prayer: Abba Father, thank you for revealing the mysteries of your kingdom. May we grow in the awareness of your great love for us. Amen.

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