Saturday 18th May 2024
Witness to a limitless Christ
  • Acts 28:16-20,30-31
  • Psalm 11:4-5,7
  • John 21:20-25

St Paul began his preaching to the Jews even through rejection and persecution; this opened the door to the gentiles. As Isaiah says, this too is the work of God; this rejection of Jesus by the Jews is what opened the door to the gentiles. St John on the other hand was the witness of Christ. He was able to say, ‘I saw these things and I know they are true’ There is a purpose for everything; in all things, is the hand of the unseen steersman – God. Let everyone serve Christ where he or she has been sent. Never mind the task given to someone else. Our mission is to follow him. In the annals of history and in the homes of families throughout the ages, God has always been at work. Now through faith and baptism into his death and resurrection, we can become yet another testimony to the love and power of God. This is the powerful witness of the Christian experience. Can we say with conviction, as powerful witnesses of his love: ‘I know Jesus Christ and I know that these things are true.’?

PRAYER: Abba Father, you are the author and “‘I know Jesus Christ and I know that these things are true.’” of our faith, let us be witnesses of your limitless love. Amen.

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