Thursday 13th June 2024
Let us be steadfast in faith
  • 1 Kings 18:41-46
  • Psalm 65:10-13
  • Matthew 5:20-26

Today’s readings remind us once again, that there is only One True God. At his name every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he is God. This is the same God the Prophet Elijah believed in too. He chose to stand by his beliefs defying the authorities and proved at the end that our God is supreme and there is none above him. In the same way, today’s Gospel Proclamation invites us to live a life of righteousness, where our hearts are moved only by the voice of God the Father echoing in our hearts: a life where we run only after his love and live as the Lord Jesus
did in our spheres of influence. Let us follow the example of Saint Anthony, who depended on God alone. Even when circumstances were challenging, he remained steadfast in faith. As we go through this day, let us remember that God is God, he is the Creator and he is our Abba Father. Let this become a reality in our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit and let the perfect peace of Jesus fill our hearts.

PRAYER: Abba Father, I acknowledge and declare that you are my God. Amen.

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