Wednesday 29th May 2024
All glory to God alone
  • 1 Peter 1:18-25
  • Psalm 147:12-15,19-20
  • Mark 10:32-45

In today’s Gospel proclamation we see James and John asking for places of glory and honor from Jesus and not receiving them. An extreme example of seeking glory, is a politician who would kill another to secure his place. There may be times where with a good intention we help someone materially, give psychological support, pray for deliverance and healing or bring someone to the Lord. After doing good, we may long for glory. The desire to do good works, comes from Jesus and we cannot take the glory. All that we have and are, are blessings from him. If we want to be great, be servants, if we wish to be first, be the last. Are we seeking honor and glory? If our hearts are bitter after doing good, then we need to examine and see if we are seeking recognition. We need to recognize that our talents are given by God and when our prayers are answered by God, we need to glorify him. Let us bring the truth of our hearts to Jesus, he will set us free.

PRAYER: Abba Father, give us the grace not to seek glory and honor but to be humble and praise you always. Amen.

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