Wednesday 15th May 2024
Unity among believers
  • Acts 20:28-38
  • Psalm 68:29-30,33-36
  • John 17:11-19

Jesus’ prayer speaks of the unity of the Church: “That they may be one just as we are one”. Saint John Paul II said: “It stands at the very heart of Christ’s mission. It is not some secondary attribute of the community of his disciples”. Jesus prays that the Church have unity like the Holy Trinity. Through the Holy Spirit, “we are in connection with the Son” and share with him “his communion with the Father.” By God’s grace, we are “sharers in his own communion, which is eternal life. Before we forget this vision as impossible, we must remember that with every command Jesus gives, he also gives everything that is needed to follow it. As today’s readings remind us, Jesus empowers us in the sacraments, gives us companions to help us and gives us his truth and his Word. He gives himself to us through the Eucharist and he gives us perfect love. Only with the help of the Holy Spirit can we seek to heal whatever divides us as Christians.

PRAYER: Abba Father, draw us further into unity with one another – that we may all be one as you are one. Amen.

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