Wednesday 05th June 2024
Are we filled with the Spirit of Power?
  • 2 Timothy 1:1-3,6-12
  • Psalm 123:1-2
  • Mark 12:18-27

What we see and hear in the present times are mostly disturbing news. The media are making more money reporting bad news than good news. News on wars, climate change and natural disasters seem to be a daily reporting. In the natural and physical realms this would instill fear, worry and emotions that are contrary to what God has already given us through his Holy Spirit. We are called to be spiritual beings because we were sealed with the Holy Spirit when we were baptized. He is at work in us, giving us power, love and sound minds. Do we behave as people who are filled with the Spirit of power, the Spirit of love, and the Spirit of a sound mind? If God says we possess all these – then let us make a conscious effort to walk daily with an awareness of possessing these attributes. Let us make our faith journey a practical one, write this on a piece of paper and paste it on our mirrors reminding us that “we are children of power, love and a sound mind.”

PRAYER: Abba Father, thank you that whenever or wherever I fall short, no sooner I seek your assistance – you are ever present to help me. Amen

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