Sunday 26th May 2024
Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own
  • Deuteronomy 4:32-34,39-40
  • Psalm 33:4-6,9,18-20,22
  • Romans 8:14-17
  • Matthew 28:16-20

Recently I visited an elderly lady who had limited mobility. Despite her restricted movements, she was in great spirits. All she could talk about was about her only daughter and the grandchildren, the times they were visiting her and all the fond memories she had of them. She went on to share with me how these memories keep her alive and hope-filled amidst her physical challenges.

In today’s first reading, we see Moses, going along a similar path, reminding the people of Israel of all the marvels God has done for them through the ages and offering them hope for the future. He was encouraging them to fix their gaze on the one true God and hold onto his commandments so that they may prosper.

As we celebrate the solemnity of the most Holy Trinity, it is another reminder of one fundamental truth that we believe in, the greatest mystery of our God’s love that comes to us in a three-fold union. God has chosen to reveal himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The many instances that we have experienced the faithfulness of the Father, the saving grace of Jesus and the guidance of the Holy Spirit can shed light for us through dark times.

Just like the happy old lady who found joy in the recollections of fond memories from her past, our own encounters with the Triune God are to be remembered, preserved and savoured time and again, so that we may never grow weary in the face of hardships.

In a special way the Holy Trinity provides us with a model for our lives here on earth. Just as St. Paul affirms, ‘we are children of God’, hence ‘heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ’ and our role is to live a life of unity with our brothers and sisters, reflecting our true identity.

Just as the Holy Trinity is characterized by love, our own relationships, friendships, families and communities are to be driven by love as we bear the same image of the Triune God. We are called to hold this truth as a mirror to guide our way of life.

Do our actions reflect the love that our Father lavished upon us by choosing to live in us through the power of the Holy Spirit? Do we appreciate the fact that we are chosen by the Mighty One to be his own? Blessed indeed are we when we live in the awareness of this beautiful truth.

PRAYER: Abba Father, thank you calling us your own and making your home in us. Amen.

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