Saturday 25th May 2024
The Power of Praying in Faith
  • James 5:13-20
  • Psalm 141:1-3,8
  • Mark 10:13-16

In the first reading we are encouraged to pray together as a community to bring healing and salvation to those who are sick and suffering. As a community this should be of paramount importance to all who serve, to exercise their spiritual gifts and engage in intercessory prayer. However, we are sinners, and we need to confess our sins and forgive others. Invite the Holy Spirit to order our steps and help overcome our weaknesses. In the Gospel proclamation, why does Jesus say that we should accept the Kingdom of God like a child? Children tend to display innocence and trust their parents. As adults we should talk to them about Jesus from a young age, encouraging them to pray every day, and praying together with them to believe that Jesus is real and answers prayer. He is not Santa Claus who is a character who appears once a year. It is conditioned in the brains of young children that they will only receive a gift if they are not naughty but nice. Jesus however loves everyone.

PRAYER: Abba Father, increase our faith to believe in the power of prayer. Amen.

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