Saturday 11th May 2024
Depend on God’s grace
  • Acts 18:23-28
  • Psalm 47:2-3,8-10
  • John 16:23-28

Jesus longs for our asking, he encourages it in today’s Gospel reading. However, it is not always easy to ask. Because, to ask is to act in faith. Specially, if our asking has led to months, even years of disappointment. To keep asking is to keep trusting, keep enduring and keep believing in the goodness of the giver. Sometimes, it is easier to settle and shut out the desires of our heart, rather than risk being let down again. But we are given a promise: “ask and you will receive.” Jesus does not instruct us to be strategic or diplomatic in our asking. He places no limits nor conditions on our asking. With people, the more we ask, the less it is welcomed. But the Lord is the perfect Giver. He blesses the hungry, thirsty and poor. Since total dependency on God is the goal, let us lean on him more. Let us do away with self-sufficient living and pursue grace-dependent living. Let us run to him with our needs. Whatever we ask of God he will give, in accordance with his will.

PRAYER: Abba Father, may we seek and rely on your providence and strength, instead of our own. Amen.

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