Tuesday 04th June 2024
Unending Miracles
  • 2 Peter 3:12-15,17-18
  • Psalm 90:2-4,10,14,16
  • Mark 12:13-17

Today’s first reading reminds me of an event that made me realise how powerful prayer could be. A few months ago, I was organising my son’s birthday party. While I thought everything was under control, ten days prior to his birthday, we fell ill. Few days later, our party vendor cancelled our equipment order due to an unforeseen reason. Two days before the party, we nearly lost our venue due to insurance requirements. Hours leading up to the party, our area was hit by a storm which disrupted the setting up process. These problems made me overwhelmed. I turned to God and I surrendered my efforts and my plans. I felt an instant relief that gave me courage. Just like the first reading, in God’s perfect timing, the sky cleared, the gloominess turned into a bright and sunny morning and the celebrations went ahead. This experience showed how wonderful God is. For him, no problem is too big. His love is beyond measure and his miracles are unending.

PRAYER: Abba Father, you gave your Son, to a dishonest and sinful humanity. May I share myself freely. Amen.

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