Recently, I visited the Blessed Sacrament at a beautiful little chapel, with deep yearning to be with the Lord. I was excited and ready with my Bible, highlighter pens and notebook to sit for a few hours and go deeper in the Word and to gaze at my Lord. The caretaker came in just then and switched off the lights and mentioned that he had to close for the afternoon and go home. I wept bitterly as I felt so sad to go away from the Lord. I then realized how sorrowful Mary Magdalene may have been when she saw the empty tomb. Today we celebrate the feast of St. John who entered the empty tomb and believed. Can we hold on in faith, when things seem to be empty? There is hope for all sinners: it is possible to turn away from sin, no matter how unacceptable to society or offensive and to fall in love with Jesus who makes us righteous. The psalmist says “Rejoice in the Lord”. We can wholeheartedly rejoice since we serve a God who is also our loving Father.
PRAYER: Abba Father, in times of isolation, let me run to the feet of your Son and be comforted. Amen.