Wednesday 05th February 2025
Times of Trial – Times of Abundance
  • Hebrews 12: 4-7; 11-15
  • Psalm 103: 1-2; 13-14; 17-18
  • Mark 6:1-6

Today’s First reading explains God’s righteous judgment of our sins and how he disciplines his children. We are sinful and God knows our weaknesses. When our children make poor choices or behave inappropriately, we discipline them out of love. As parents, we want them to learn from their mistakes and we want to correct them. So, when God disciplines us, he is also doing it out of the love he has for us because he wants us to have the best in our lives. This training that God often puts us through bears remarkable fruits which blesses us and those around us. It is however quite difficult to see that harvest while going through the trials and tribulations. In that period of discipline, God may make us wait or walk us through some challenging circumstances, but he is always walking with us, teaching us, guiding us, strengthening us, correcting our course and changing the trajectory of our lives which will lead to an abundant harvest.

PRAYER: Abba Father, forgive us for the times we may have complained when we were going through a season of discipline. Amen.

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